Intermolecular Forces and States of Matter - Interactive Lecture Demonstration Une étoile d'or indique, les activités de haute qualité fondées sur la recherche qui suivent les directives de conception PhET.

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Titre Intermolecular Forces and States of Matter - Interactive Lecture Demonstration
Description This interactive lecture demonstration has the following learning goals - Students will be able to: (a) Distinguish between kinetic energy (KE), potential energy (PE) and total energy; (b) Apply the terms low and high PE for objects attracted to each other; (c) Identify electrostatic interactions as the force affecting the PE of atoms and molecules; (d) apply the terms low and high PE for atoms attracted to each other, resulting in bonds with different bond enthalpies; (e) Describe, at the particle-level, what happens during a phase change; (f) Apply the terms KE and PE for states of matter; (g) Connect particle-level descriptions of matter, including different phases, with macroscopic observations/properties.
Sujet Chimie
Niveau Premier cycle - Intro
Type Démonstration
Durée 60 minutes
Réponses incluses Non
Langue Anglais
Mots clés bonding, density, electrostatic force, energy, kinetic energy, phase change, potential energy, states of matter
Simulation(s) Interactions atomiques (HTML5), Potentiel d'intéraction, Skate parc de l'énergie, États de la matière (HTML5), États de la matière, Etats de la matière: les bases (HTML5), States of Matter: Basics

Auteur(s) Ted Clark, Julia Chamberlain
Ecole / Organisation PhET
Date de soumission 05/11/14
Date de mise à jour 28/12/16