Guided lab with instructions, screenshots and questions

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Izenburua Guided lab with instructions, screenshots and questions
Deskribapena Quarantine inspired lab sequence for Light. I used this with video chat, could possibly be done fully independently. Total time to complete 3 hours ish. Faster for review. Best used interjected with teacher summary / other notes. 1: Reflection 2 Refraction 3 Critical angle 4 “Realistic” Practical (Into more dense) 5 “Realistic” Practical (into LESS dense) 6 The PHYSICS (Velocity change) 7 The Dark side of the PhET [Dispersion] 8 Rainbows (Extension)
Gaia Fisika
Maila High School (BH), Middle School (LH)
Mota Gidatutako jarduera, Lab, Urrutiko Ikaskuntza
Iraupena 120 minutes
Erantzunak barne Ez
Hizkuntza Ingelesa
Gako-hitzak bending light, dispersion, practical, reflection, refraction
Simulazioa(k) Argiaren islapen-errefrakzioak (HTML5)

Autorea(k) Paul Torrington
Eskola / Erakundea Lucaya International School
Bidaltze-data 4/19/20
Eguneratze-data 4/19/20