Guided lab with instructions, screenshots and questions

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Başlık Guided lab with instructions, screenshots and questions
Açıklama Quarantine inspired lab sequence for Light. I used this with video chat, could possibly be done fully independently. Total time to complete 3 hours ish. Faster for review. Best used interjected with teacher summary / other notes. 1: Reflection 2 Refraction 3 Critical angle 4 “Realistic” Practical (Into more dense) 5 “Realistic” Practical (into LESS dense) 6 The PHYSICS (Velocity change) 7 The Dark side of the PhET [Dispersion] 8 Rainbows (Extension)
Ders Fizik
Seviye Lise, Ortaokul
Tür Laboratuvar, Rehberli Etkinlik, Uzaktan Öğrenme
Süre 120 dakika
Dahil Edilen Yanıtlar Hayır
Dil İngilizce
Anahtar Kelimeler bending light, dispersion, practical, reflection, refraction
Simülasyon(lar) Bükülen Işık (HTML5)

Yazar(lar) Paul Torrington
Okul / Kurum Lucaya International School
Gönderildiği tarih 19.04.2020
Güncellendiği tarih 19.04.2020