Waves: Superposition (Inquiry Based) Urrezko izar batek kalitate handiko eta kontsultan oinarritutako jarduerak adierazten ditu PhET diseinuaren jarraibideak jarraitzen dituztenak.

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Izenburua Waves: Superposition (Inquiry Based)
Deskribapena The students will use the simulation to learn the goals through an inquiry approach. Learning Goals:Students will be able to: Define harmonic, determine the relationship between the harmonics.Explain the relationship between harmonics and the corresponding wave function.Predict what happens when more than one wave is present. This is the second in of a two part series of Fourier activities. The first one is called Wave Representation.
Gaia Fisika, Matematika
Maila High School (BH), Oinarrizko hezkuntza - Sarrera
Mota Lab
Iraupena 60 minutes
Erantzunak barne Ez
Hizkuntza Ingelesa
Gako-hitzak Sound, Waves, interference, math, phet activity, sine
Simulazioa(k) Uhinak egiten (HTML5), Fourier: Uhinak sortzen

Autorea(k) Trish Loeblein
Eskola / Erakundea PhET CU Boulder
Bidaltze-data 8/11/05
Eguneratze-data 10/13/21