Introduction to Current and Kirchhoff's Junction Rule

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Título Introduction to Current and Kirchhoff's Junction Rule
Descripción This is meant to be a first exposure to circuits. This lab is designed to cut off misconceptions about current from the beginning. Students evaluate a complex circuit to find Kirchhoff's junction rule.
Asignatura Física
Nivel Educación media, Educación secundaria
Tipo Actividad guiada, Tarea
Duración 60 minutos
Respuestas incluidas No
Idioma Inglés
Palabras clave Current, Kirchhoff
Simulacion(es) Kit de construccion de circuitos (sólo CC)

Autor(es) Patricia Martinez
Colegio / Organización Greeley Central High
Enviado 3/03/17
Actualizado 3/03/17