Density-introduction Una estrella dorada designa actividades de alta calidad basadas en la investigación, que siguen los lineamientos de diseño de PhET.

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Título Density-introduction
Descripción This is an activity that was designed as part of a collaborative project with middle school teachers at Uplift Education in Dallas, Texas. It could be used in a physical science, physics, or chemistry course depending on the student population. One of the files is a pre-lab with real equipment written by Christine Denison. The teacher notes includes some of Christine’s thoughts about how the activity went and possible changes. We may re-post this lesson before the next school year.
Asignatura Física, Química
Nivel Educación media, Educación secundaria
Tipo Demostración, Lab, Preguntas sobre los conceptos
Respuestas incluidas No
Idioma Inglés
Palabras clave bouyancy, density, displacement, fluids, intensive, mass, properties, volume
Simulacion(es) Densidad

Autor(es) Katherine Perkins, Christine Denison
Colegio / Organización PhET
Enviado 19/10/10
Actualizado 19/05/15