pH Scale Basics | Remote Lab En gold-star betyder høj kvalitet, undersøgelsesbacerede aktiviteter som følger PhET's retningslinier.

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Tittel pH Scale Basics | Remote Lab
Beskrivelse This lesson uses PocketLab Notebook software to deliver lessons to students with the simulation embedded. Students will be able to: Determine if a solution is acidic or basic using pH. Relate liquid color to pH. Predict if dilution and volume will increase, decrease or not change the pH Organize a list of liquids in terms of acid or base strength in relative order with supporting evidence.
Emne Kemi
Niveau Mellemskole
Type Fjernundervisning, Guidet aktivitet, Laboratorie, Lektie
Varighed 60 minutter
Svar inkluderet Nej
Sprog Engelsk
Nøgleord acid, base, notebook, pH, pocketlab
Simuleringer pH-skala (HTML5), pH skala, pH-skala: Basis (HTML5)

Forfattere PocketLab
Skole / organisation PocketLab
Dato for tilmelding 22-06-21
Dato for opdatering 22-06-21