Equilibrium and Le Chatelier's Principle

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Sarlavha Equilibrium and Le Chatelier's Principle
Tavsif Students run an experiment to establish a value for the K and then apply different stresses, calculating Q and making predictions before observing the reaction. An additional opportunity to have students design their own experiments and consider how changing the temperature changes the equilibrium. This is a new activity and based off of the other activities posted here.
Fan Kimyo
Daraja Boshlang‘ich Bakalavr, Yuqori maktab
Tur Masofaviy O‘rganish, Uy vazifa, Yo‘naltirilgan faoliyat
Davomiylik 60 minut
Javoblar Kiritilgan Yo‘q
Til Inglizcha
Kalit so‘zlar K, Le Chatelier's Principle, Q, equilibrium
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Muallif(lar) Cricket McCaffrey-Clark
Maktab/Tashkilot Concord Carlisle High School
Topshirilgan sana 2/18/22
Yangilangan sana 2/18/22