Variables and Coefficients

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Sarlavha Variables and Coefficients
Tavsif This file is a work packet to guide students through the basics of what variables and coefficients represent in an expression. Stages of the Expression Exchange simulation used are "Basics" and "Game" Levels 1-4.
Fan Matematika
Daraja K-5, O‘rta maktab
Tur Muhokama qilish takliflari, Yo‘naltirilgan faoliyat
Davomiylik 60 minut
Javoblar Kiritilgan Yo‘q
Til Inglizcha
Kalit so‘zlar algebra, coefficients, equations, expressions, math, mathematics, variables
Simulyatsiya(lar) Ifodalarni almashtirish (HTML5)

Muallif(lar) Lisa Nitzsche
Maktab/Tashkilot Hunter College
Topshirilgan sana 4/10/18
Yangilangan sana 4/10/18