An investigation into Building Electric Circuits (Inquiry Based) Золота зірка вказує на високоякісні розробки, які включають дослідницьку діяльність і супроводжуються поясненнями.

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Назва An investigation into Building Electric Circuits (Inquiry Based)
Опис The main learning goal of this activity is for students to be able to create a circuit in two ways -- first based on their knowledge of voltage, current, and resistance, and then again by following a diagram. However, this activity also has the goal of having students make predictions and observations about circuits. The will return to these predictions and observations a few classes later to derive Ohm's Law and the differences between parallel and series circuits. I have included the notes and lab for Ohm's Law which is used a few days later.
Предмет Фізика
Рівень Середні класи, Старші класи
Тип Лабораторні
Тривалість 30 хвилин
Відповіді включені Ні
Мова English
Ключові слова Circuits, Electricity
Симуляції Електричні кола постійного струму

Автор(и) Karen King
Школа/ Організація Denver School of Science and Technology
Створено 06.05.07
Оновлено 28.04.15