Investigating Climate Change at the Macroscopic and Microscopic Level A gold star indicates high-quality, inquiry-based activities that follow the PhET design guidelines.

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Наслов Investigating Climate Change at the Macroscopic and Microscopic Level
Опис Learning goals: Discover some causes and effects of increasing global temperature, determine the environmental factors that affect the motion and size of glaciers, explain how greenhouse gases influence the temperature of the Earth.
Субјект Наука о Земљи
Ниво High School (Виша школа), Middle School (Средња школа)
Тип Лаб
Укључен одговор Не
Језик Енглески
Кључне речи climate, climate change, glaciers, global temperature, greenhouse effect, greenhouse gases, temperature

Аутори: Amy Rouinfar
Школа / Организација PhET
Послато 18.3.15.
Обновљено 8.12.21.