The Peninsula of Nuclear Stability

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Názov The Peninsula of Nuclear Stability
Popis Students build the possible isotopes of the first ten elements and explore and record the stability of the isolated neutron and the possible combinations of protons and neutrons. Students are expected to infer about the role of the neutron in stabilizing the nucleus and learn about the Peninsula of Nuclear Stability.
Predmet Chémia, Fyzika
Úroveň Stredná škola
Typ Domáca úloha
Trvanie 30 min
Vrátane odpovedí Nie
Jazyk Angličtina
Kľúčové slová Isotopes, Nuclear Stability, Peninsula of Stability
Simulácia Stavba atómu

Autor(i) Roberto Marrero
Škola / Organizácia Brentwood High School, Williamson Co, TN
Dátum odoslania 27.11.2010
Dátum aktualizácie 27.11.2010