Graphing Activity using Gas Properties Simulation A gold star indicates high-quality, inquiry-based activities that follow the PhET design guidelines.

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Título Graphing Activity using Gas Properties Simulation
Descrição The students vary temperature or volume on this simulation and use the measurement tools to record 4 data points for each gas law. For each section, the unused variable needs to be set as constant (for the section on volume and temperature, set pressure as the constant variable). Then they graph their data and give real-world examples.
Assunto Química
Nível Ensino Secundário
Tipo Demonstração, Laboratório
Duração 30 minutos
Respostas Incluídas Não
Idioma English
Palavras Chave gas laws, graphing
Simulações Propriedades do gás

Autores Laura Conrad
Escola / Organização Corsicana ISD
Submetido 23-02-2011
Atualizado 13-08-2012