25 Zoekresultaten die overeenkomen met nucleus
- Alfaverval
- Betaverval
- Bouw een atoom (HTML5)
- Bouw een atoomkern (HTML5)
- Isotopen en atoommassa (HTML5)
- Kernsplitsing
- Rutherfordverstrooiing (HTML5)
- Radioactive Decay - ILD
- Exploring Radioactive Decay and Its Uses
- Radioactive Decay
- How Will This Isotope Decay?
- CDI-Hoja de Predicciones para Desintegración Radioactiva
- Build an Atom - Inquiry-based basics (homework version)
- PhET LAB Beta (IB 7.2)
- Plan de Clase Datación Radioactiva ☢
- Rutherford Experiment
- Nuclear Decay Processes Lab
- Structure of the Atom
- Models of the Atom
- Build an Atom WebLab
- Playing with atoms
- The Peninsula of Nuclear Stability
- Alineación simulaciones PhET con el Currículo Ecuatoriano - Química - Bachillerato
- Alignment of PhET sims with NGSS
- FREE Auto-Graded PhET Activities on Quizizz