Forces and Motion Lesson A gold star indicates high-quality, inquiry-based activities that follow the PhET design guidelines.

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Наслов Forces and Motion Lesson
Опис Lesson Objectives: 1. Students will be able to identify when an object is being acted upon by unbalanced forces. 2. Students will be able to predict the change in motion when a force is applied to an object. 3. Students will be able to demonstrate an understanding of how unbalanced forces relate to the total force applied to an object. 4. Students will be ale to utilize Newton’s Law of Inertia (velocity remains constant unless acted upon by an unbalanced force) to describe the motion of an object when acted upon by an unbalanced force. 5. Students will be able to identify the advantages and limitations of using the “Force and Motion” PhET simulation. 6. Students will be able to identify the contributions of Galileo Galilei and Isaac Newton to the study of motion. TEKS Science: 6.3D, 6.8B, 6.8D, 8.3D, 8.6A, 8.6C CCRS Science Standards: VIII-C1, VIII-C2 **Note:** The scripted version includes additional teacher resources, such as, background content, common misconceptions and a vocabulary list. It also has all worksheets as editable content.
Предмет Физика
Ниво Средна школа
Тип Лабораторија
Траење 60 минути
Одговорите се вклучени Да
Јазик Англиски
Клучни зборови forces, galileo, issac newton, newton's first law of motion
Симулации Движења и сили

Автори UTeach Middle School PhET Team
Школо / Организација UTeach UT-Austin
Поставено 26.3.12
Обновено 22.6.12