SNC 2D0 - Building Molecules Activity 2020

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Sernav SNC 2D0 - Building Molecules Activity 2020
Danasîn Modified handout for grade 10 students. Emphasis is on model building and structural formulas only. Application questions cover molecules vs. elements and allow for the investigation into physical and chemical properties.
Mijar Kîmya
Ast Dibistana Amadeyî
Cure Guided Activity, Remote Learning
Dem 60 xulek
Bersîvan Dihewîne Na
Ziman Îngilizî
Peyvên Girîng Chemistry, Grade 10, Model Building, Structural Diagrams
Şêwekar گەرد دروست بکە (HTML5)

Nivîskar Stéphanie Dibowski
Dibistan / Organîzasyon Peel District School Board
Şandin 12/13/20
Rojanekirin 12/13/20