EM wave analogy tutorial A gold star indicates high-quality, inquiry-based activities that follow the PhET design guidelines.

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Sernav EM wave analogy tutorial
Danasîn This tutorial uses wave on a string and sound wave analogies to prepare students for learning about EM waves. This activity is the result of several semesters of research on student use of analogies in learning about EM waves. It is aimed at calc-based physics students, but might be appropriate for other levels. (Both MS Word and PDF file formats are available.)
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Şêwekar Sound Waves (HTML5), Deng, شەپۆل لەسەر دەزوو (HTML5), Pêlên Kevanê

Nivîskar Noah Podolefksy
Dibistan / Organîzasyon University of Colorado
Şandin 12/15/06
Rojanekirin 5/29/24