Group data generating activity to find Lac Operon effectiveness

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제목 Group data generating activity to find Lac Operon effectiveness
설명 This is a basic set of instructions to run a simulated lab for students where they can get relative amounts of Lactose cleaved with different starting conditions using the LAC operon simulation. It's not perfect, but it does generate a pretty reliable series of statistically significant differences. I find it to be a nice low stakes way to review stats at the same time as doing a little transcriptional regulation study in my AP Biology class.
주제 생물학
수준 고교목록 구분 대학-하급
유형 실험
기간 60 분
정답 포함 아니요
언어 영어
키워드 Gene regulation목록 구분 Glucose목록 구분 Lac Operon목록 구분 Lactose목록 구분 Transcription목록 구분 Transcriptional regulation
시뮬레이션 유전자 기계: 락 오페론

저자(들) Michael Tornabene
학교/기관 Sandy Spring Friend School
제출일 23. 2. 3
업데이트 날자 23. 2. 3