36 რეზულტატი ძიებაზე ions
- pH Scale inquiry-based intro to acid-base
- Building Ions PhET Lab Exploration
- Investigating Ions
- Membrane Channels: inquiry into cellular diffusion
- Sugar and Salt Solutions: intro to bonding
- How Strong is this Bond?
- Sugar and Salt Solutions - Clicker Questions
- The Meaning of pH
- Build an Atom
- Enquête au sujet des atomes, des éléments, des ions et des isotopes
- Investigation of a Solution’s Color (Qualitative) - Guided Inquiry Activity
- Build an Atom
- Build an Atom
- Salts & Solubility
- Interpreting Chemical Symbols
- Bienvenue au CFA
- Build an Atom
- Build an Atom Student Worksheet
- Build an Atom: Introduction
- Investigation of a Solution’s Color (Qualitative and Quantitative) - Guided Inquiry Activity
- Introduction to energy- a chemical context
- Student Guide for PhET - Build an Atom in html5
- PhET Interactive Lab on pH
- pH and the Dissociation Constant
- Build an Atom WebLab
- Atom Builder
- Build an Ion Inquiry Activity
- Lab: PhET Build an Atom
- Action Potential Simulation - Guided Inquiry Activity
- Build an Atom, Isotope, & Ion
- Acid-Base WebLab PhET HTML5
- Reactifs limitants