Projectile Motion

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題名 Projectile Motion
内容 In this simulation experiment, you will observe an object that would move in both x-and y-directions simultaneously under constant acceleration. An important special case of this two dimensional motion is called projectile motion. In this sim based activity, students will explore the effect of mass and initial velocity on the path of the projectile motion. In addition, they will measure time of flight, range and maximum height of a projectile motion.
課題 物理学
レベル 学部課程 - 基礎, 高等学校
タイプ 実験教室
所要時間 60 分
解答を含む いいえ
言語 英語
キーワード 2D Motion, Maximum height, Projectile motion, Range, Time of flight
シミュレーション 放物運動 (HTML5)

著者 Setegn Ayalew Bogale
学校 / 団体 Ambo University
送信日 23/01/26
更新日 23/01/26