Understanding Natural Selection

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題名 Understanding Natural Selection
内容 In this pdf. format file are included some activities and evaluation sheets to help students understanding natural selection topic. At the present, all these exercises are only available in greek language. Nevertheless, the english translation edition will be uploaded, under demand.
課題 生物学
レベル 高等学校
タイプ 実験教室
解答を含む いいえ
言語 ギリシャ語
キーワード Limiting Factor, dominate, evolution, fitness, genes, mutations, natural selection, recessive
シミュレーション 自然選択

著者 Apostolos Kapsouris
学校 / 団体 3rd HIGH SCHOOL of Neos Kosmos, Athens, Greece
送信日 11/09/27
更新日 11/09/27