Understanding Natural Selection

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Titel Understanding Natural Selection
Beschreibung In this pdf. format file are included some activities and evaluation sheets to help students understanding natural selection topic. At the present, all these exercises are only available in greek language. Nevertheless, the english translation edition will be uploaded, under demand.
Thema Biologie
Niveau Sekundarstufe II
Typ Praktikum
Antwort enthalten Nein
Sprache Griechisch
Stichworte Limiting Factor, dominate, evolution, fitness, genes, mutations, natural selection, recessive
Simulation(en) Natürliche Selektion

Autoren Apostolos Kapsouris
Schule / Organisation 3rd HIGH SCHOOL of Neos Kosmos, Athens, Greece
Eingereicht am 27.09.11
Aktualisiert am 27.09.11