Heat or temperature

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Title Heat or temperature
Description A simple and dynamic lesson for Elementary School on the difference between heat and temperature. We will heat and cool different materials (solids and liquids), understanding where the heat goes and the temperature changes that occur during the processes. We will develop the ability to organize information through various activities.
Subject Biology, Chemistry, Physics
Level K-5
Type Demonstration, Discussion Prompts, Guided Activity, Homework, Lab, Remote Learning
Duration 60 minutes
Answers Included Yes
Language Engleski
Keywords BNCC, Elementary Education, Heat, Sciences, homeschool, investigation, physical properties of materials, temperature
Simulation(s) Oblici energije i energetske promjene (HTML5)

Author(s) Bernardo Dias
School / Organization Colégio
Date submitted 2024.04.17
Date updated 2024.04.17