Heat or temperature

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題名 Heat or temperature
内容 A simple and dynamic lesson for Elementary School on the difference between heat and temperature. We will heat and cool different materials (solids and liquids), understanding where the heat goes and the temperature changes that occur during the processes. We will develop the ability to organize information through various activities.
課題 化学, 物理学, 生物学
レベル 小学校
タイプ Discussion Prompts, Guided Activity, Remote Learning, 実験教室, 宿題, 証明
所要時間 60 分
解答を含む はい
言語 英語
キーワード BNCC, Elementary Education, Heat, Sciences, homeschool, investigation, physical properties of materials, temperature
シミュレーション エネルギーの形態と変換 (HTML5)

著者 Bernardo Dias
学校 / 団体 Colégio
送信日 24/04/17
更新日 24/04/17