Projectile launch angle vs displacement

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Título Projectile launch angle vs displacement
Descrición This is a short investigation of optimal angle for launching projectiles (yielding maximum range) that asks the student to first collect data, explain, and then try to derive a physics/ math proof. The idea is for student to solve for the solution both through data collection and analysis and via proof.
Tema Física, Matemáticas
Nivel Bacharelato
Tipo Deberes, Laboratorio
Duración 30 minutos
Respostas incluidas Non
Linguaxe English
Palabras clave angle, displacement, projectile, range
Simulacións Movemento de Proxectís

Autores Mick O'Byrne
Centro Escolar / Institución Interlake HS and UW
Presentado 10/9/07
Actualizado 11/14/08