32 Résultats de recherche correspondants research
- DC circuits lab with real equipment and CCK
- Gravity and Orbits Experimental Design Research Project
- Ramp Activity 1: Using free body diagrams for motion on an incline (Inquiry Based)
- Ramp Activity 2: Calculating Net force on an incline (Inquiry Based)
- Energy Skate Park-NGSS aligned HS
- EM wave analogy tutorial
- Electric Field Hockey Simulation Homework
- Build an Atom: Introduction
- Exploring Mendelian genetics
- The Greenhouse Effect
- Microwaves Simulation Activity
- Current in DC Circuits
- Masses and Springs Simulation Homework
- Build a Molecule
- Radio Waves & Electromagnetic Fields Simulation Homework
- Basics of Electricity
- Microwaves Simulation Homework
- Greenhouse Simulation Lesson
- Moving Man and Maze Game Simulations Homework
- Moving Man Simulation Activity
- Gas Properties and Balloons & Buoyancy Simulations Homework
- Battery-Resistor Circuit Simulation Homework
- Charges Activity with Various Simulations
- Color Vision Simulation Homework
- Sound Simulation Homework II
- Sound Simulation Homework
- Motion and Moving Man Simulation Homework
- Blackbody Spectrum Simulation Homework
- Blackbody Spectrum & Lasers Simulations Homework
- Climate Change - The Gas Phase
- Computer Simulations as a Tool to Assist Teaching Basics of Electromagnetism (Simulações Computacionais Como Ferramenta Auxiliar ao Ensino de Conceitos Básicos de Eletromagnetismo)