Build an atom Periodic Table Virtual Lab

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Izenburua Build an atom Periodic Table Virtual Lab
Deskribapena This is an interactive slide deck where students play the "Build an atom game" them characterize each element in the game by its placement in the periodic table, and identify its properties.
Gaia Kimika
Maila High School (BH)
Mota Lab, Urrutiko Ikaskuntza
Erantzunak barne Ez
Hizkuntza Ingelesa
Gako-hitzak atomic structure, periodic table
Simulazioa(k) Eraiki atomoa (HTML5)

Autorea(k) Ellen Plock
Eskola / Erakundea Waterville CSD
Bidaltze-data 11/29/20
Eguneratze-data 11/29/20