Exploring integers A gold star indicates high-quality, inquiry-based activities that follow the PhET design guidelines.

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Název Exploring integers
Popis Didactic sequence integrated by your lesson plan of the general pedagogical aspects of the learning activity and activity sheets for students with the following activities: 1) Introductory activity for students to reinforce their prior knowledge 2) let's talk about integers: with multiple choice and development questions to understand the functions of positive and negative numbers and 3) conceptual multiple choice questions where what has been learned is consolidated
Předmět Matematika
Úroveň K-5, Základní škola II. st.
Typ Demonstrace, Discussion Prompts, Multiple-Choice Concept Questions, Propojená aktivita, Vzdálená výuka
Trvání 90 minuty
Včetně odpovědi Ne
Jazyk English
Klíčová slova integers, negative, number line, positive, zero
Simulace Číselná osa: vzdálenost (HTML5), Číselná osa: Celá čísla (HTML5)

Autor(ři) Jesus Eduardo Villamizar Rincon
Škola / Organizace PhET Fellows
Datum vložení 7.4.24
Datum aktualizace 7.4.24