Pre/In/Post-Class Worksheet, Wave Interference, PhET

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Název Pre/In/Post-Class Worksheet, Wave Interference, PhET
Popis This is a 60 to 90 min. worksheet with conceptual questions and activities related to the PhET simulations. In this worksheet, students understand the behaviour of sound waves, explore the sound properties, conduct the measurements for wavelength and calculate wave speed, examine the accuracy and precision of the measurements, and finally investigate and observe waves and the movement of the particles.
Předmět Fyzika
Úroveň Střední škola, Základní škola II. st.
Typ Demonstrace, Discussion Prompts, Domácí úkol, Lab, Ostatní, Propojená aktivita, Vzdálená výuka
Trvání 90 minuty
Včetně odpovědi Ne
Jazyk English
Klíčová slova Accuracy and precision of the measurements, Sound Waves Behaviour, amplitude, frequency, particles movement, pitch, sound loudness, sound properties, wave speed, wavelength
Simulace Interference vln (HTML5)

Autor(ři) Solmaz Khodaeifaal
Škola / Organizace Math Potentials
Datum vložení 20.6.20
Datum aktualizace 21.6.20