Sugar and Salt Solutions: Exploring Common Substances Using a PhET Simulation A gold star indicates high-quality, inquiry-based activities that follow the PhET design guidelines.

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Наслов Sugar and Salt Solutions: Exploring Common Substances Using a PhET Simulation
Опис This activity is designed to be a guided inquiry lesson using a simulation produced by the PhET group from the University of Colorado at Boulder. The lesson has two parts, and can be used in a unit on chemical bonding or solutions. In Part I, students are given the opportunity to explore the simulation and the effect of adding sugar and salt to water. In Part II, students are introduced to the terms electrolyte and nonelectro- lyte. In the Extension, students have the opportunity to explore several other substances, and are introduced to the ideas of ionic and covalent bonding.
Субјект Хемија
Ниво High School (Виша школа), Middle School (Средња школа)
Тип Лаб, остало
Трајање 30 минута
Укључен одговор Да
Језик Енглески
Кључне речи electrolyte, nonelectrolyte
Симулације Раствори шећера и соли

Аутори: Emily Moore, Lisa McGaw
Школа / Организација PhET, LTF
Послато 3.8.12.
Обновљено 11.8.12.