Conservation of Energy 4 Energy Skate Park: Calculations with Conservation of Mechanical Energy using time graphs (Inquiry Based) Une étoile d'or indique, les activités de haute qualité fondées sur la recherche qui suivent les directives de conception PhET.

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Titre Conservation of Energy 4 Energy Skate Park: Calculations with Conservation of Mechanical Energy using time graphs (Inquiry Based)
Description This is a guided inquiry lab that is the fourth in a series that uses Energy Skate Park. Learning Goals: Students will be able to use Energy-Time graphs to use a given time to: Estimate a location for the Skater on a track; Calculate the speed or height of the Skater Friction and frictionless; Predict energy distribution for tracks with and without friction. This has not been updated for the html5 version, but could be used on the playground screen.
Sujet Physique
Niveau Lycée, Premier cycle - Intro
Type Labo
Durée 60 minutes
Réponses incluses Oui
Langue Anglais
Mots clés conservation, energy, height, mechanical, phet activity, speed
Simulation(s) Énergies au Skate Park (HTML5), Skate parc de l'énergie

Auteur(s) Trish Loeblein
Ecole / Organisation PhET
Date de soumission 28/06/08
Date de mise à jour 06/02/21