Conservation of Energy 4 Energy Skate Park: Calculations with Conservation of Mechanical Energy using time graphs (Inquiry Based) Ein goldener Stern steht für qualitativ hochwertige Beiträge, welche den PhET Design Richtlinien entsprechen.

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Titel Conservation of Energy 4 Energy Skate Park: Calculations with Conservation of Mechanical Energy using time graphs (Inquiry Based)
Beschreibung This is a guided inquiry lab that is the fourth in a series that uses Energy Skate Park. Learning Goals: Students will be able to use Energy-Time graphs to use a given time to: Estimate a location for the Skater on a track; Calculate the speed or height of the Skater Friction and frictionless; Predict energy distribution for tracks with and without friction. This has not been updated for the html5 version, but could be used on the playground screen.
Thema Physik
Niveau Hochschule - Grundstudium, Sekundarstufe II
Typ Praktikum
Dauer 60 Minuten
Antwort enthalten Ja
Sprache Englisch
Stichworte conservation, energy, height, mechanical, phet activity, speed
Simulation(en) Energieskatepark (HTML5), Energieskatepark

Autoren Trish Loeblein
Schule / Organisation PhET
Eingereicht am 28.06.08
Aktualisiert am 06.02.21