Ohm's Law Remote Lab 金星表示遵循 PhET 設計指引,高品質的活動。

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主題 Ohm's Law Remote Lab
說明 This lab is designed for remote learning. There is a link to the Google doc version in the header. Learning Goals • As you change the value of the battery voltage, how does this change the current through the circuit and the resistance of the resistor? If the current or resistance remains constant, why do you think? • As you change the value of the resistance of the resistor, how does this change the current through the circuit and the battery voltage? If the current or voltage remains constant, why do you think? Use understanding to make predictions about a circuit with lights and batteries.
科目 物理
程度 K-5, 中學, 大學 - 簡介, 高中
類型 作業, 實驗室, 遠端學習
時間 30 分鐘
語言 英語
關鍵字 DC, circuit, current, inquiry, ohm, remote, resistance, voltage
模擬教學 Circuit Construction Kit: DC_電路組裝套件:直流電 (HTML5), 歐姆定律

作者 Trish Loeblein
學校 / 機構 PhET
提交日期 2020/4/1
更新日期 2020/4/6