Gravitational Force and Orbits

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标题 Gravitational Force and Orbits
描述 Using both the Gravity and Orbits and Gravity Force Lab: Basics, students are guided through the mathematical relationship of the Law of Universal Gravitation. They explore and explain how changes to the mass and distance between the masses affects the magnitude and direction of gravitational force.
科目 地理, 天文学, 物理学
等级 本科生 - 低年级, 高中
类型 Remote Learning, 实验室, 指导活动
持续时间 60 分钟
语言 英语
关键词 gravitational force, orbits, universal gravitation
仿真程序 重力和轨道 (HTML5), 引力实验室:基础 (HTML5)

作者 Meg Tredinnick
学校/组织 Sacred Heart Academy
提交日期 20-4-17
更新日期 20-4-17