POGIL-style simulation analysis

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标题 POGIL-style simulation analysis
描述 After building and testing a generator prototype (made with a pill bottle, copper wire, neodymium magnets, a spinning paper clip, and an LED), students "redesign" one piece of their prototype to try to make it more effective in generating electricity. After rebuilding and retesting, they do a "lab" with the PhET generator simulation to understand why their redesign worked. Their redesign variables usually line up with the variables in the simulation (speed of magnet motion, amount of copper wire, and strength of magnets). Students complete this assignment in pairs, but do the final summary individually.
科目 物理学
等级 高中
类型 实验室
持续时间 60 分钟
语言 英语
关键词 POGIL, current, electrons, generator, magnetic field
仿真程序 发电机

作者 Nicole Flynn
学校/组织 Highline Public Schools
提交日期 14-4-14
更新日期 14-4-14