38 ta partially elasticga mos qidiruv natijalari
- Prujinaga osilgan jism tebranishlari (HTML5)
- Buoyancy (HTML5)
- Buoyancy: Basics (HTML5)
- Masses & Springs
- One- and Two-Dimensional Collisions - Concepts Practice
- PhET Collision Lab - Elastic 1D
- Potential Energy of A Spring (Elastic Potential Energy)
- PhET Collisions
- Spring Force, Spring Constant and Elastic Potential Energy
- Elastic potential energy, work and Hooke’s law.
- Collision Into Activity
- Introduction to Momentum and Elastic Collisions Lab
- Conservation of Energy using Masses and Springs (Inquiry Based)
- Conservation of Linear Momentum
- collision in one and two dimensions
- Hooke's Law investigation including multi-spring systems and Energy
- Conservation of linear momentum
- Conservation of Energy using Masses and Springs (homework version) (Inquiry Based)
- Hooke's law
- Conservation of linear momentum
- Conservation of Linear Momentum
- PHET: Masses and Springs 2021
- Conservation of Linear Momentum
- Hooke's Law and Spring Constant with Energy: Regular Level
- Qualitative Introduction to Energy
- Conservation of Linear Momentum
- Momentum and Center of Mass
- Investigating Springs
- Hooke's Law, Spring Constant, and Energy HONORS
- Conservation of Momentum
- Conservation of Linear Momentum
- Gravity Force Lab Guided Inquiry
- Discovering the conservation of momentum
- Conservation of Linear Momentum
- Conservation of Linear Momentum
- Hanging Mass
- Energy Analysis of a Mass Oscillating on a Spring
- Phet Energy Forms and Changes Student Worksheet