Gas Simulation Remote Instruction

Iltimos, Google faoliyatini tahrirlash uchun ruxsat so‘ramang.

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Sarlavha Gas Simulation Remote Instruction
Tavsif A remote learning activity using the HTML 5 Gas Properties Simulation. Encourages students to change one variable at a time and see the effects.
Fan Kimyo
Daraja Yuqori maktab
Tur Masofaviy O‘rganish
Davomiylik 30 minut
Javoblar Kiritilgan Yo‘q
Til Inglizcha
Kalit so‘zlar gas laws HTML5 remote instruction diffusion
Simulyatsiya(lar) Gaz xossalari (HTML5)

Muallif(lar) Eric Vanderhoof
Maktab/Tashkilot Mount Vernon High School
Topshirilgan sana 9/23/20
Yangilangan sana 9/23/20