Waves on a String HTML5 PreAP Lesson Oltin yulduz PhET dizayn ko‘rsatmalariga amal qiladigan yuqori sifatli, so‘rovga asoslangan faoliyatni bildiradi.

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Sarlavha Waves on a String HTML5 PreAP Lesson
Tavsif In this investigation, students construct their own definitions for amplitude, tension, damping and frequency using the PhET simulation as a guide. Students explore how waves behave with free, fixed and loose ends relating their experiences to real world examples. It is intended for PreAP Physics but could also be used in AP Physics 1. An editable exit quiz is provided that teachers can modify.
Fan Fizika
Daraja Yuqori maktab
Tur Laboratoriya
Davomiylik 60 minut
Javoblar Kiritilgan Yo‘q
Til Inglizcha
Kalit so‘zlar amplitude, damping, tension, waves
Simulyatsiya(lar) Arqondagi to‘lqin (HTML5)

Muallif(lar) Elyse Zimmer
Maktab/Tashkilot Educator
Topshirilgan sana 8/18/15
Yangilangan sana 8/20/15