Energy Skate Park Basics Energy Exploration
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Назва | Energy Skate Park Basics Energy Exploration |
Опис | In this activity, students will investigate the relationships among kinetic, potential, thermal, and total energy. They will see how these energies are used and change through measuring a simulated skateboarder on a half-pipe. Then, they will analyze what happens to the energy levels of the skater when friction is an added factor. Lastly, students will apply what they learned to design a "loop de loop" for the skater and explain their design decisions. |
Предмет | Фізика |
Рівень | Середні класи |
Тип | Лабораторні |
Тривалість | 60 хвилин |
Відповіді включені | Ні |
Мова | English |
Ключові слова | conservation, energy, friction |
Симуляції | Парк для скейтів: Основи |
Автор(и) | Jessica Colonel |
Школа/ Організація | Hunter College |
Створено | 21.03.13 |
Оновлено | 21.03.13 |