Ideal Gas Law Activity

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Назва Ideal Gas Law Activity
Опис This activity investigates the relationship between pressure, volume, temperature, and number of moles for an ideal gas. This activity should be done before the ideal gas law is presented in class. Part of the activity asks students to explain how volume, temperature, and number of moles affect pressure qualitatively (by observing and discussing collisions of molecules with the walls). The activity also requires students to collect data and then to graph that data (either by hand or using graphing calculators or software.)
Предмет Фізика
Рівень Старші класи
Тип Лабораторні
Тривалість 60 хвилин
Відповіді включені Ні
Мова English
Ключові слова Gases, Liquids, Solids
Симуляції Властивості газу

Автор(и) Bob Shurtz, Generoso DePascale
Школа/ Організація Hawken School
Створено 23.07.06
Оновлено 18.09.07