Graham's Law of Effusion

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Başlık Graham's Law of Effusion
Açıklama Students determine that the ratio of the rates of effusion and the average velocities of the particles of a mixture of heavy molecules and light molecules, at constant temperature,are the same. They use the ratio of the rates of effusion to determine the ratio of molar masses of the heavy (H) and light (H) molecules.
Ders Kimya
Seviye Lise
Tür Laboratuvar
Süre 60 dakika
Dahil Edilen Yanıtlar Hayır
Dil İngilizce
Anahtar Kelimeler Effusion, Graham's Law of Effusion, Kinetic-Theory of Gases, molar mass
Simülasyon(lar) Gazların Özellikleri

Yazar(lar) Roberto Marrero
Okul / Kurum Brentwood High School, Williamson Co, TN
Gönderildiği tarih 18.01.2010
Güncellendiği tarih 18.01.2010