Investigating Glaciers
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Titlul | Investigating Glaciers |
Descriere | An investigation based on Rouinfar's 2015 lab that looks that the behavior of glaciers in response to snow fall and temperature. The main focus is on the creation, collection, transport and deposition of rocky debris along the path of the glacier, especially as it retreats. |
Disciplina | Științele Pământului |
Nivel | Gimnaziu, Liceu |
Tip | Activitate dirijată, Laborator |
Durata | 60 minute |
Răspunsuri incluse | Nu |
Limba | Engleză |
Cuvinte cheie | Glaciers, moraine |
Simulare(i) | Glaciers |
Autor(i) | John Judkins |
Școală / Organizație | Rio Rancho High School |
Data transmiterii | 15.02.2017 |
Data actualizării | 15.02.2017 |