Climate Change - The Gas Phase

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Título Climate Change - The Gas Phase
Descrição This multi-faceted activity incorporates The Greenhouse Effect Sim as well as other resources to introduce students to this atmospheric phenomenon, how humans have impacted it, and its consequences for the planet. As such, it may be used in MS (7-8), HS or as an intro activity for non-science majors. It benefits from discussion, so an in-class or study group setting would be best. It may be used around the world, as the Sim and referenced data and resources apply globally. We prefer to distribute to students digitally so links are clickable, but it is possible to print the pages as well. Students begin by viewing a video of a Colorado State scientist explaining greenhouse gases (right down the road from PhET!) while building various molecules with model kits (teachers to provide). They also view other videos and structural formulas, making this a nice intro to hydrocarbons if desired. Partners then break off and respond to prompts using the Photo Absorption part of the Sim. The create a data table and use it to answer questions, including whether their evidence supports statements made in the scientist's video. The atmospheric simulation is run and discussed as part of this segment. Next, students use the Greenhouse Effect part of this Sim to create a second data table. They come together as a class to discuss findings. In the final segment of this guided activity, students study NASA data visualizations and compare them to a diagram from the US Global Change Research Program. As a closing activity, students view two short videos from the fabulous Climate 25 series. Students are prompted to follow @climateprogress on Twitter for several days to see the feed. This is a nice follow-up and helps revisit the activity if desired.
Assunto Biologia; Ciências da Terra; Química
Nível Ensino Médio; Ensino Médio e Final do Fundamental; Graduação - Inicial
Tipo Atividade Guiada; Laboratório; Sugestões para Debate
Duração 60 min
Respostas Incluídas Não
Idioma Inglês
Palavras-Chave The Climate 25; climate change; data; greenhouse effect; hydrocarbons; visualization
Simulação(ões) O Efeito Estufa

Autor(es) The EduChange Team
Escola / Organização EduChange, Inc.
Data de publicação 25/04/17
Data de atualização 25/04/17