Plinko Probability for Long-Run Frequencies

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Tytuł Plinko Probability for Long-Run Frequencies
Opis This lesson sequence strengthens student understanding of probability as a value between 0 and 1, finding likelihoods from single and multiple trials, using theoretical probability to make predictions about results from many trials, and recognizing experimental probability as a reliable predictor of theoretical probability as more trials are completed.
Przedmiot Matematyka
Poziom Gimnazjum
Rodzaj Aktywność kierowana
Zawiera odpowiedzi Nie
Język angielski
Słowa kluczowe Compound Events, Grade 7, Probability
Symulacja(e) Deska Galtona (HTML5)

Autorzy Kelly Findley
Szkoła / Organizacja Florida State University
Data przesłania 18-04-04
Data zaktualizowana 18-04-04