Exploring Vectors and Projectile Motion

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Tytuł Exploring Vectors and Projectile Motion
Opis This is an inquiry based activity that's designed to introduce students to projectile motion, calculating time of flight, and exploring acceleration and velocity. It's designed to be similar to a "Gizmo" in providing students a chance to explore, make predictions and derive conclusions. It's the first iteration of the assignment, and will likely be modified as data rolls in on its effectiveness. It will last between 30-45 minutes.
Przedmiot Fizyka
Poziom Liceum
Rodzaj Aktywność kierowana
Czas trwania 30 minut
Zawiera odpowiedzi Nie
Język angielski
Słowa kluczowe acceleration, projectile motion, vectors, velocity
Symulacja(e) Rzuty (HTML5)

Autorzy Brian Minchen
Szkoła / Organizacja Williamsville Central Schools
Data przesłania 17-11-11
Data zaktualizowana 17-11-11