Forces and Motion: Balanced and Unbalanced Forces, and Predicting Changes in Motion (Inquiry Based) Złota gwiazdka oznacza wysokiej jakości działania oparte na dociekaniach, które są zgodne z wytycznymi projektowymi PhET.

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Tytuł Forces and Motion: Balanced and Unbalanced Forces, and Predicting Changes in Motion (Inquiry Based)
Opis After completing this activity, students will be able to identify when an object is being acted upon by unbalanced forces and predict the change in motion when a force is applied to an object. This activity utilizes the first tab of the Forces and Motion simulation, and focuses on balanced and unbalanced forces, friction, applied force and total force. There is an optional final section that asks students to make qualitative observations about how fast an increases in speed (could be used to introduce the acceleration). This activity includes an optional pre- and post-lab.
Czas trwania 90 minut
Zawiera odpowiedzi Nie
Język angielski
Słowa kluczowe force, friction, motion, total force, vector, velocity
Symulacja(e) Siły i ruch

Autorzy Emily Moore, Kathy Perkins, Trish Loeblein, Courtney Fadley
Szkoła / Organizacja PhET
Data przesłania 11-06-15
Data zaktualizowana 11-07-19