Gas Properties Modular Homework Activity A gold star indicates high-quality, inquiry-based activities that follow the PhET design guidelines.

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Tittel Gas Properties Modular Homework Activity
Omtale This activity has 5 modules: - Explore the Simulation - Kinetic Energy and Speed - Kinetic Molecular Theory of Gases - Relationships between Gas Variables - Pressure and Mixtures of Gases After exploring the simulation, students can do the other modules in any order.
Emne Kjemi
Nivå Student - introduksjon (bachelor)
Type Lekser
Tid 90 minutt
Inneheld svar Nei
Språk English
Nøkkelord gas properties, gases, kinetic molecular theory, pressure
Simuleringar Gas Properties (HTML5), Gas Properties

Forfattarar Julia Chamberlain, Ingrid Ulbrich
Skule / Organisasjon PhET and University of Colorado Boulder
Lasta opp 06.05.13
Oppdatert 13.08.19