Electrolyte and Non-electrolyte Solutions - Interactive Lecture Demonstration Een gouden ster duidt op activiteiten van hoge kwaliteit gesteund op onderzoek die de PhET ontwerp gidslijnen volgen.

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Titel Electrolyte and Non-electrolyte Solutions - Interactive Lecture Demonstration
Beschrijving This interactive lecture demonstration has the following learning goals. Students will be able to: (1) Explain the difference between electrolytes and non-electrolytes in terms of conductivity, the nature of the compound, and dissociation; and (2) Describe and visualize what happens at the atomic or molecular scale when an electrolyte or a non-electrolyte dissolves in water
Onderwerp Chemie
Niveau Undergrad - Intro
Type Demonstratie
Duur 60 minuten
Antwoorden inbegrepen Ja
Taal Engels
Sleutelwoorden compound, dissociation, electrolyte, ionic, molecular, salt, solute, solution, sugar
Simulatie(s) Suiker- en zoutoplossingen

Auteur(s) Robert Parson, Trish Loeblein
School PhET
Datum waarop ingediend 5-11-14
Datum waarop aangepast 2-9-15