BendingLight_Remote_Lab A gold star indicates high-quality, inquiry-based activities that follow the PhET design guidelines.

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Tittel BendingLight_Remote_Lab
Beskrivelse This lab was designed specifically for students working remotely with guided inquiry. Learning Goals Describe what happens to light when it shines on a medium. Explain light direction changes at the interface between two media and what determines the angle. Describe the effect of varying wavelength on the angle of refraction. Explain why a prism creates a rainbow. Apply Snell’s law to a laser beam incident on the interface between media.
Emne Fysikk
Nivå Student - introduksjon (bachelor), Videregående skole
Type Lab, Remote Learning
Svar inkludert Nei
Språk English
Nøkkelord inquiry, prism, rainbow, reflection, refraction, snell
Simuleringer Avbøyning av lys (HTML5)

Forfattere Trish Loeblein
Skole / Organisasjon PhET
Lastet opp 15.04.20
Oppdatert 15.04.20