Electric Field Lab Auksinė žvaigždė pažymi aukštos kokybės, vartotojų apklausomis paremtas veiklas, sukurtas pagal PhET dizaino gaires.

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Pavadinimas Electric Field Lab
Aprašymas Learning objective: Overall expectation: Investigate in qualitative and quantitative terms electric fields and solve related problems Specific learning objective: Describe the properties of electric fields: -the variables that affect the interaction between charged bodies -the strength and direction of the electric field around a charged body -the use of vectors to help explain the interactions Part I -Minds On -15 minute introduction to the background information needed to complete the Electric Field lab Part II - Critical Thinking Activity - Students will work in groups of 3-4 in order to complete the Electric Field Lab.
Trukmė 90 minutės
Įtraukti Atsakymai Ne
Kalba Anglų
Raktažodžiai Electric Charges, Electric Field, Electric Field Vectors
Simuliacija(-os) Charges and Fields

Autorius (-ai) Siros Amini
Mokykla / Organizacija Earl of March Secondary School
Pateikimo data 14.11.27
Data atnaujinta 14.12.4